Ian Dolton-Thornton

Inkjet print in frame

"Communication" shows a page from Marshall Rosenberg's 'Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life'. The book proposes a system for ethical nonviolent speech, here outlined as clear expression and empathetic reception.

Artist Statement

I make sculptures and books. I work with and in common stuff, things that appear without the importance of publicity’s notice. Showing these materials — storage units, modest techniques for understanding — isn’t the unveiling of something hidden, but attending to what’s just there. My work looks at individualizing responsibility, and the psychic, economic and affective spaces this produces. My current research is on the concept of hegemony as a political mechanism, particularly its publicness and closure.


Ian Dolton-Thornton is an artist based in California. He received a BA in 2011 from Bennington College. He is currently an MFA candidate at University of California, Irvine. From 2012 to 2017 he ran the artists' books press Publication Studio Oakland.

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